精神焕发,种内杂交选育。重瓣型。小叶15枚。花皇冠型,内瓣小,花色鲜红;腹斑紫黑色;雄蕊无;房衣浅包,白色,顶端有红晕;心皮趋于瓣化。 本品种获国家林业局新品种权证书。
Energetic, intraspecific hybridization breeding. Double valve type. 15 leaflets. The flower is crown shaped, with small inner petals and bright red color; Abdominal spot purple black; Stamens absent; The room clothes are light, white, with a blush at the top; Carpels tend to valvate. This variety has obtained the new variety right certificate of the State Forestry Administration.