蓝玉三彩,中原牡丹与紫斑牡丹品种间杂交选育。 半重瓣型。小叶9枚。花皇冠型,中瓣细长,白色,点金,内瓣大而直立;腹 斑黑色;雄蕊多,花丝白色;房衣半包,白色;柱头黄白色。
Blue jade tricolor, cross breeding between Zhongyuan peony and purple spot peony. Half double valve type. 9 leaflets. The flower is crown shaped, the middle petal is slender, white, dotted with gold, and the inner petal is large and upright; Abdominal spot black; Stamens many, filaments white; Half bag of room clothes, white; Stigma yellowish white.